rhiino-corp-tampa-1RHiiNO Corp (Tampa, FL) is a sales and marketing firm with a unique approach when it comes to training and developing their employees. They ask them to become a rhinoceros. Not literally, of course — is that even possible? But figuratively. If you are as curious as we were, we just had to ask. Here is what they told us.

Rhinos Charge – Okay, yes we have heard that before, but what does that have to do with business? Well, as a RHiiNO Corp executive explained to us, they refer to ‘charging’ as the passionate pursuit of being successful. Got it. They went on to explain that a rhinoceros doesn’t tip toe through the jungle, it literally charges. “Well that is true,” we thought. We couldn’t remember a time we saw a rhino tiptoeing on National Geographic. In their reference, they explained that they empower their employees to take action. Not to ‘tip toe’ around their goals but to make decisions, and take actions, every day that will put them down the path towards their goals.

h4pbjipoi0ybyRhinos are IN Charge – We admit, it seems like there is a lot of charging happening here in Tampa, in a good way of course. This one, however, made total sense… You see, at RHiiNO Corp, all employees have the ability to advance within the company based on their own performance (hence they are in charge.) It is not a popularity contest or the person who has sat around the longest putting in their time that gets promoted. It’s the person who works hard and earns it! Management empowers their teams to take responsibility for their own actions and understand that they are completely in control of achieving their goals.

Rhinos have thick skin – Obviously. But again, how does this translate into business we wondered! Well, if you are seeking to achieve massive goals (and the RHiiNO Corp team is) there are going to be some tough days. There are also going to be nay-sayers, haters, if you will, they will try to knock these big goals. Having thick skin essentially means, not letting those people or tough times bring you down or deter you from your goals.

So there you have it, a few reasons to be a rhino. Of course, there are several more, so if you would like to learn more about this Tampa-based firm, definitely check out their Twitter page.

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